IWS Dingle: Ambassadors Event

  • 06 Oct 2023
  • 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM (BST)
  • Dingle Crystal Workshop, Ballinaboula, Dingle, Kerry V92 HK27
  • 0


  • Subject to event Terms & Conditions
  • Subject to event Terms & Conditions

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The ambassadors who have been rambling the country and globe to raise awareness telling everyone what we already know, that Irish whiskey is the best in the world, return to Dingle to show us just what they have been showcasing throughout the year. Perhaps they'll give us a sneak preview of what may be coming down the tracks?  With their usual twist. You all know the format.  This year we will have several new presenters including our first female presenter at this particular event.

IWS Dingle Chapter will have several of our industry's most affable, entertaining and knowledgeable whiskey ambassadors in the same room together and just to add a bit of craic and a further twist to the standard tasting format, they will present each other’s whiskeys blind. In other words, they will be presenting not their own brands but those of the other presenters, without knowing just what it is they are presenting.

We look forward to having them explain to us just what it is that motivates them to do what they do, what their own favourite drams are and just where they see Irish whiskey in ten or even twenty years’ time. As usual, they will be open to questions from our expert audience and there are bound to be a lot of laughs on the evening. 

We may also be fortunate enough to witness Crystal Master Craftsman, Sean Daly demonstrate just how he produces those beautiful Dingle Crystal whiskey glasses..

We would like to extend a very special thanks to both Sean & Adam Daly for hosting this event for us.

There will be a bus provided to bring attendees to the event from both Inch and Dingle and back to the town afterwards and this will leave Foley's bar, Inch at 18.30hrs and John Bennys pub on Strand Street at 19.00. 

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